Wednesday 8 February 2012

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy uses the environment and things we would come across in our everyday lives as the main aspect of his photography work, this adds a more realistic effect and relates to us more so the audience will be able to have a better bond with his work.

The first that came to my head when I looked at this piece was autumn as the leaves are a mixture of red, yellow and orange which are typical autumn colours. The first thing I noticed was the pitch black hole in the very centre of the image, this makes the image look 3D like its a dark tunnel or a hole in the floor which has been built up from leaves that have fallen from the trees. A theory that I came up with from this image is that it may represent the reality of life. In life we are always made to believe that 'there is always a light at the end of the tunnel', in this image it represents both as the outside starts of dark with no colour, then it goes into the bright colourful leaves, and then goes into the black hole which shows that at the end is not very bright as the end of life means death. This photograph could also represent an eye with the black circle being the pupil.

Goldsworthy has made the leaves to look very texturised putting the range of colours on different levels. I think his aim was to make the audience think about the deeper meaning behind this picture and not just the obvious that is could represent autumn.

Personally I like this photograph because it could have many deep meanings behind it and it makes your mind think of all the possibilities. I like the colours used and they are very eye catching as its on a dark background. The texture of the leaves and the background are very clear and contrasty, this makes the image look more real and look more 3D and levelled. Overall I find this piece very good and cannot see much features I dislike about it.

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