Natural Light
: Natural light is light that is supplied by the sun or the moon.
Artificial Lighting
: Artificial light is any light that is not supplied by the sun and can be turned on and off such as lamps etc.
Soft lighting
: Soft light refers to light that tends to "wrap" around objects, casting shadows with soft edges. The softness of the light depends mostly on the following two factors: Distance, the closer the light source, the softer it becomes. Size of light source, the larger the source, and the softer it becomes.
Hard Lighting
: Lighting that creates sharp-edged shadows.
Back Lighting
: This phenomenon occurs when the lighting for the shot is directed at the camera from behind the subject, causing the figure in the foreground to appear in semi-darkness or as silhouettes, or highlighted; with backlighting, the subject is separated from the background.
Cross Lighting
: A lighting technique that places lighting near the camera and directs light toward the target object.
Side Lighting
: A lighting technique that places lighting perpendicular from the object and the camera.